Corrections Policy

At SUV Help (accessible at, we are dedicated to delivering accurate, verified, and fair content. However, we acknowledge that errors can occur and are committed to promptly correcting them when identified. We also encourage our readers to provide us with feedback on our content.

The cornerstone of responsible journalism is acknowledging mistakes and correcting them promptly. Thus, SUV help is dedicated to delivering accurate information as soon as an error is detected or reported.

What happens when an error is spotted or reported in an article?

  1. Correction of Factual Errors: When an article detects an error, we immediately find the correct information and make the necessary changes.
  2. Clarification of Ambiguities: If our information is factually correct but ambiguously presented, we will rewrite the content for clarity, even after publication.
  3. Feedback from Readers: If a reader identifies an error through comments or direct contact, the error will be duly noted and corrected in a timely manner.
  4. Social Media Corrections: If erroneous information is published on our social media platforms, we will follow the same correction procedure, adapting as necessary to the platform’s mechanisms.
  5. Significant Errors: If a correction significantly changes the context of an article, we will add an editor’s note explaining why the correction was required.
  6. Claims of Inaccuracy: If a reader or another entity claims that information presented in an article is inaccurate, we will first investigate. If necessary, we may temporarily take down the article during the investigation. If only a correction is warranted, we will update the article with the corrected information.
  7. Outdated Information: If an article contains information or statistics that have become outdated, the content will be updated accordingly.
  8. Removed Embedded Content: If embedded content within an article is removed by the source, we will act according to the context of the removal. We may rewrite the article to update our audience regarding the change or, if necessary, withdraw the article.
  9. Copyright Infringements and Unsuitable Content: If we become aware that an image or video used in our article infringes copyright or is unsuitable, we will immediately remove the said content from the article.

For comments or questions about our Corrections practices or other editorial policies, please email us at

Corrections Policy Updated: 17/01/2024

David Woutersen, Schulstrasse 7, 57636 Sörth, Germany